At Whole Tree Dentistry, we believe there’s more to patient care than just fixing teeth. Our goal for you is whole-body health. Ultimately, it’s our job to benefit your physical well-being in any way we can, and we believe that one of the first steps in the journey to whole-body health is an effective breathing wellness program.
Dr. Strickland is now treating people of all ages with a proprietary, non-invasive, nonsurgical treatment option for the treatment of mild to moderate sleep apnea, snoring, and sleep-disordered breathing.
More than 22 million Americans suffer from mild to moderate sleep apnea, a condition studies have shown to be directly correlated to anxiety and chronic fatigue. If left untreated, it can lead to numerous serious health conditions or even death. If you or someone you love is suffering from sleep apnea or sleep disordered breathing, we may be able to help. Your Sleep Apnea may be the result of an obstruction in the airway caused by narrow dental arches and/or an underdeveloped jaw.

Obstructive sleep apnea has many signs and symptoms—some are so common we ignore them or even consider them normal. The following are a few of the most common signs that you or someone you love is suffering from sleep apnea:
- Snoring
- Frequent sleep interruptions
- Chronic fatigue
- Morning headaches
- High blood pressure

At Whole Tree Dentistry we use the Vivos® System to evaluate and treat the underlying root causes associated with Sleep Disordered Breathing. The Vivos® System is a non-surgical approach which targets craniofacial underdevelopment. Using patented technology, the Vivos System works to promote the proper growth of the upper and lower jaws. You can learn more about VIVOS here.
Do you know someone who is struggling with any of these conditions? They could all be linked to one root cause – Underdeveloped Jaws and a Compromised Airway! Contact Dr. Strickland today at 706-596-1876 and sign up for a Patient Education Meeting! It may not be what you think!!!