Replacing a tooth can be accomplished with a dental implant. A dental implant restores the mouth to optimal function, stabilizing the surrounding bone, tissue, and teeth, by substituting the root structure of the missing tooth. This helps to prevent further serious complications that can arise if the missing tooth is left untreated. It usually requires multiple appointments to complete a dental implant placement. First, the site is prepared for placing the dental implant. Second, the implant body is placed into the bone along with a special healing cap. The site is then allowed to heal, providing a stable footing for the replacement tooth. At subsequent visits your doctor will monitor the healing process letting you know when the tooth is ready for the final restoration. When a site is fully healed, the healing cap is removed and replaced with the abutment, which serves as the base of your new tooth. Finally, the crown is placed over the abutment and cemented into place. With your implant placement complete, your tooth is restored to optimal shape and function while continuing to stabilize, protect, and preserve the surrounding tissue.