As a denture wearer, over time you may experience gradual loss of bone structure, and these changes can alter the way your denture fits in your mouth. If left unaddressed, it can result in tissue discomfort, as well as difficulty with activities, such as speaking and eating. Because of this, your doctor may recommend a denture reline to restore the fit and function of your prosthesis. It is a procedure that involves resurfacing the underside of your denture with new material that conforms to any changes that have occurred with the contours of your gum tissue. To begin, your doctor will remove a layer of material from the underside of the denture to make way for new material that will be added as part of the relining process. Next, your doctor will place impression material between your gums and denture, making a mold that captures the tissue contours that will become your new denture surface. When the impression material has hardened, it is typically sent to a lab, where a new surface for your existing denture is created. Once complete, your existing denture is renewed to create a comfortable and secure fit. And function for everyday activities is restored.